Our Mission
NEA-Alaska exists to be an advocate for an excellent public education for each child in Alaska and to advance the interests of public school employees.
Our Vision
The members of NEA-Alaska, understanding their central role in the organization, are fully engaged in the union. Working together, members have built collective power. Public school employees enjoy the best economic and working conditions while public school students benefit from the best instructional conditions in the nation. Public school teachers and education support professionals in Alaska receive the highest compensation packages in the country and a secure retirement.
NEA-Alaska is influential in state and local politics. Locals organize members to impact local and state elections and to change local and state policy. These efforts coupled with the public’s respect and support for educators’ positions has led to its endorsed candidates serving in every major elected position in the state, governor, speaker of the house and president of the senate and the majority of the members of the legislature consistently voting for pro-public education legislation and funding.
Public school employees’ collective power has resulted in superior working and instructional conditions. The roles of small classes, preparation, collaboration, professional development and teacher-created curriculum in creating effective instruction have been validated. Teachers and other instructional staff spend 50% of their time preparing for their students and collaborating with their colleagues. There are class size, case load and work load limits, in keeping with position descriptions and as appropriate to the age and needs of students. Public school employees receive an annual stipend, time and administrative support to participate in the professional development of their choice. As valued professionals, teachers are expected to develop the appropriate curriculum to meet educational standards.
Together, teachers, specialists and education support professionals are able to provide quality instruction, meeting the educational needs of all children collectively and each individual child, leading to all public schools in Alaska being exemplary.