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A sea of people in red rally in the street holding up signs that read "Raise the BSA".

Advocating for Change

Take Action and Join our Advocacy Effort
Strong public schools don't happen by accident. They're the result of countless voices who are committed to a common cause. At NEA-Alaska we believe public schools are the foundation of strong communities, foster innovation, and create a brighter future for all. We welcome all who want to join us in our efforts to improve public education in Alaska.
Ready to help us improve classroom conditions, secure school funding, fight for a better retirement, and advance social and racial justice for all? Here’s how you can get involved.

Action Center

We’ll advocate for fully-funded public schools. We’ll dismantle unjust systems. We’ll give our students the opportunities they need to succeed. Help us make it happen.

Tools for Justice

Ending racism, sexism, and other systemic injustices in schools is critical to protecting the human and civil rights of all students.
Rhiana Gay
NEA-Alaska stands for what I believe to be best practices for an organization, which include collective bargaining, truth, social justice and advocacy. Membership means those around me are speaking truth, and there is inclusion for all.
Quote by: Rhiana Gay, Teacher
Jesse Bjorkman, educator and legislator, speaks at a rally about raising the BSA funding.

Your Voice Matters!

Contact your elected officials at any level on any issue. Use this link to find their contact information, including email, phone number, and even their Facebook or Twitter.

Use Your Educator Voice.

We are THE voice for educators in Alaska. See what membership can mean for you!

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.

Reach. Teach. Inspire.

NEA-Alaska advocates for an excellent public education for each child in Alaska and advances the interests of public school employees.