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NEA Report

Whitepaper: The Benefits of Collective Bargaining in Public Education

Collective bargaining is good public policy for employees, employers, and communities. All educators—no matter what state they live in—should have this right.
RedforEd Rally NEA
Published: January 21, 2022
This resource originally appeared on

Securing robust collective bargaining rights is essential to the success of our students and educators alike.

Providing education employees with the right to engage in collective bargaining ensures that they will have a legally guaranteed seat at the table to ensure they have a voice in terms and conditions of their employment. In exercising that right, educators can improve the conditions under which they teach and their students learn.

Educators who have the right to bargain can also negotiate better teaching and learning conditions for their students.

Collective bargaining is good public policy. When educators and management can come to an agreement on salary, benefits, and working conditions—while improving teaching and learning conditions—everyone benefits.

Unfortunately, today, educators in many states lack these basic rights and protections.

Download our new report to learn:

  • a brief history of public-sector bargaining;
  • why collective bargaining is important and how it benefits educators, students, and the wider community; and
  • the key elements of a strong public-sector collective bargaining law.  

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Jesse Bjorkman, educator and legislator, speaks at a rally about raising the BSA funding.

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