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Our Vice President

Laura Capelle is serving in her second term as NEA-Alaska Vice President.
Vice President Laura Capelle smiles for a portrait with a bright blue background.

Laura Capelle has been a public educator in Fairbanks, Alaska, since 2004, working as a reading tutor, special education aide, and an ELL Tutor/Instructor. She now works as the ELL Program Records Manager, supporting ELL staff, school staff, and families.

Laura has served on the NEA-Alaska Board of Directors, the ESSA Executive Board, the FEA Bargaining Team, the NEA-Alaska Human and Civil Rights Committee, and the NEA-Alaska PACE Committee. 

Laura is serving in her second term as NEA-Alaska Vice President, working to continually expand and strengthen the network of communication and support for public education and educators in Alaska. 

Email Laura


Reach. Teach. Inspire.

NEA-Alaska advocates for an excellent public education for each child in Alaska and advances the interests of public school employees.