Learn NEA-Alaska's position on pending legislation related to public education, and take action to protect our schools.
Featured Bills
Additional Filters:
Introduced on January 24, 2025
An Act relating to education funding; and providing for an effective date.
Introduced on January 22, 2025
An Act relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; providing certain employees an opportunity to choose between the defined benefit and defined contribution plans of the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; and providing for an effective date.
Introduced on January 22, 2925
An Act relating to free breakfast and lunch in public schools.
The NEA-Alaska is a state affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.