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NEA-Alaska Recommended Candidates

These are the recommended candidates for the upcoming election from your PACE committee members.
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Published: August 8, 2024


NEA-Alaska PACE is a non-partisan committee of your colleagues elected by their peers. Their candidate recommendations are made based on support for public education and educators regardless of party affiliation.

PACE rec graphic

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Use Your Educator Voice.

We are THE voice for educators in Alaska. See what membership can mean for you!
A young black woman holds a megaphone. She appears to be laughing. There are people behind her out of focus.

Take Action for Public Education

We are on a mission to dismantle unjust systems and build the world our students deserve.

Together, as educators and allies, we can take actions to help all students—of all colors and backgrounds—learn, grow, and fulfill their potential.


Reach. Teach. Inspire.

NEA-Alaska advocates for an excellent public education for each child in Alaska and advances the interests of public school employees.