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NEA Advice

Looking at Reading Interventions

In this special Reading Rockets video series, students in grades K-3 work one-on-one with reading expert Linda Farrell on specific reading skills.
Teacher working with student on reading instruction WETA
Published: March 2021
This resource originally appeared on

How can educators teach young students the critical skills they need to read? In this special Reading Rockets video series, reading expert Linda Farrell works one-on-one with students in grades K-3 to help ensure that they master the skills they need to become proficient readers.

The video series shows what it really takes to teach critical skills such as:

  • naming letters accurately 
  • blending and manipulating the sounds in words 
  • mastering the connection between letters and sounds 
  • recognizing spelling patterns 
  • reading multisyllable words.  

Use the accompanying downloadable Viewer's Guides and Facilitator's Guides to support professional development in your school or district.

Extras: Working with Struggling Readers — Every Child Can Succeed

Ms. Farrell talks about her role as a reading intervention specialist, and what more than 20 years of experience working with kids, teachers, and schools has taught her about the potential of struggling readers.

About Linda Farrell

Linda Farrell is a founding partner at Readsters, an Alexandria, VA-based firm that helps schools implement research-based reading instruction. She is committed to effective early reading instruction to help struggling readers become strong readers, and to ensure that strong readers achieve their full potential.

Linda works in schools throughout the U.S. training and coaching teachers and modeling effective reading instruction. She also has designed curricula in Niger and Senegal for children to learn to read in their local languages.

Linda is a former English teacher and she was a National LETRS trainer for seven years. She has co-authored assessments and curricula for teaching reading, as well as several other published works. Linda can be reached at:

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