Event Overview
Dates and Times
- Friday, March 14, 2025 4:00 PM (AKDT) - Saturday, March 15, 2025 5:00 PM (AKDT)
4100 Spenard Road
Anchorage, AK
This year's Big 15 Gathering will take place Friday evening and all-day Saturday, March 14th and 15th.
You do incredible work for your members and your schools every day of the year. Instead of reinventing the organizing wheel and asking you to do different things, we will work together to use the things that you are already doing in order to create or refine your local’s strategy for organizing around member needs.
Together, we will:
- generate a collection of the work that is already happening,
- look for holes that might need patching,
- reflect on the service vs. organizing balance of the work,
- and connect it all together into an Organizing Plan for your local that gets you the most results for the least “new” effort possible.
In the work we do, we frequently talk about the importance of organizing. It is often brought up in the context of recruitment. However, we do not often talk about it in the context of the day-to-day work that is done in our schools and in our union. In this convening of the Big 15 we will take time to discuss and understand how organizing is part of all aspects of our school and union work. Our goal will be to walk away with a plan that can be implemented in your local over the next year.
Several of you attended the Member Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement training on February 1st. At that training your team began working on a plan to recruit, retain, and engage members. Please have that plan handy for this meeting. You will be able to incorporate it into the work we do for the Big 15.
To register for the training, please fill out the form below. The deadline to request lodging is now closed.
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