Event Overview
Dates and Times
- Friday, September 13, 2024 5:00 PM (AKDT) - Saturday, September 14, 2024 4:00 PM (AKDT)
NEA-Alaska downstairs training room.
New local presidents are invited to join other local leaders in Anchorage on September 13th for our New Presidents’ Training – How to Build a Strong Association. This training is intended for local presidents beginning their first or second year as president. The training will be held at the NEA-Alaska Office starting at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13th, 2024, covering topics ranging from the role of the Association President, assessing your local’s areas of strength and opportunities for growth, running an effective meeting, fiscal responsibility as the Association President, building capacity and delegating within your local, and resources available to you as President. The training is scheduled for Friday, 9/13/24 in the evening (5:00pm – 8:30pm) and all-day Saturday 9/14/24 (8:30am – 4:00pm).
NEA-Alaska will cover the costs for two members from each local to attend this training. Local affiliates are encouraged to send their president(s) to the training, or, if the president is unable to attend, an alternate. Also, consider bringing an emerging leader interested in taking a more active role in your Local.
Registration is scheduled to close on August 29, 2024, so please register soon using the form below.
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